Wednesday 19 October 2011


We are living in a technology centered world, and it is important for all of us as teachers, students, and parents to try to keep up!  Knowing how to properly cite images is important for students as they learn more about copyright and keeping out of trouble in a digital world.  Being able to record videos, audio, and upload photos is great- but we have to make sure we do all of this properly!

As your teacher, I would like to encourage you to be careful of what you put on the internet.  We all make mistakes, but it's best to be conscious of how an image or video you put online is no longer just yours.  We will be taking another look at this in order to encourage you to keep you safe!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Looking at First Nations

Interested in learning more about aboriginal people in Canada?  Add to what we've learned in class by checking out this video!  Have questions?  Let's discuss them as a class!

From the Ontario Curriculum:
SOC. By the end of Grade 6, students will: examine various theories about the origins of First Nation and Inuit peoples in North America (e.g., that they crossed the Bering land bridge, had always been indigenous to North America, travelled by water from South America);

Science Time!

A fun science game about electricity!  We are learning about where electricity comes from and how it changes.  Try out this game to see what you know and save the day!

Dr. Volt needs to be stopped, it's up to you!  Have fun!

From the Ontario Curriculum:
SCT.6.3 Energy and Control: Electricity
SCT. Students will: identify uses of electricity in the home and community and evaluate the impact of these uses on both our quality of life and the environment.